Cindy Wingo: It’s Not All Black and White

June 24, 2023 - September 17, 2023

Over 30 years ago, Cindy Wingo embarked on her journey as a graphic designer, but it was her return to painting and drawing that truly ignited her artistic passion. Initially focused on capturing realism, she eventually found herself drawn to the realm of abstraction, a path she embraced wholeheartedly and never relinquished. Within abstract painting, she discovered a sanctuary where she could articulate a multitude of emotions and ideas. Each stroke on the canvas became a unique story, prompting her to aptly name them Abstract Narratives.

Through the medium of painting, Cindy found solace and the means to confront profound questions encompassing both political and personal aspects of life. To her, art is not a choice made by artists but rather a calling that selects them. It permeates her existence as a life force, leaving an indelible imprint and serving as her soul’s intimate platform. Her aspiration is to inspire and establish connections with others through her artistic expressions, fostering a meaningful dialogue beyond words.

Finding Her Way

2021. Acrylic and Charcoal.

I have painted this figure numerous times. The initial painting took place fifteen years ago, shortly after the passing of my father. At that time, she was titled “Blue Girl” and portrayed a sense of sadness, lacking vibrant colors. Today, however, I have painted her using bright and lively hues, symbolizing her rediscovered happiness and journey back to joy.

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