A Gift for Future Generations
For more than 100 years, the Art Museum of Greater Lafayette has partnered with the community to celebrate the power of art to inspire, challenge, and instruct our community through collections, exhibitions, and programs. Our museum has grown and flourished because of the generous support of citizens like you.
Planned Giving with the Art Museum of Greater Lafayette Foundation
The Art Museum of Greater Lafayette Foundation is designated by the IRS as a charitable 509(a)(3)Type I organization. It exists solely to provide financial support and assistance to the Art Museum of Greater Lafayette. To that end, the Foundation will receive and acquire assets for the benefit of the Art Museum and will manage and invest the same for preservation, growth, and income production. It is the goal of the Foundation to maximize the long-term financial support of the Art Museum of Greater Lafayette.
Types of gifts
Bequests – A provision in your estate plans
Honorarium or Memorial Gifts
Outright Gifts – Gifts of cash, securities, real estate, and artwork may be contributed to the Art Museum Foundation
Benefits to donors
A gift to the Foundation permeates the museum for future generations
Gifts are tax-deductible
Gifts may result in matching gifts by business partners
Questions about giving?
For more information about planned giving, contact our Executive Director at executivedirector@artlafayette.org
Your contributions are always welcome and appreciated! The Art Museum is a private, non-profit organization and we depend on membership, corporate sponsorships, and private underwriting to:
Continue our programming
Be open to the public free of charge 7 days a week
Provide first-rate exhibitions in 4 galleries—which change frequently throughout the year
Provide art educational programs and studio arts classes to the community
Your contribution matters!
Support the Museum
The Art Museum is a private, non-profit organization that receives no ongoing federal, state, or government funding. Our museum has grown and flourished because of the generous support of citizens like you.
If you are interested in building your volunteering resume or just want to become involved with the museum, we will gladly accept your help! All volunteers will receive volunteer verification papers from the museum for proof of their volunteer hours.
Join the Art League
The Art League provides members with the opportunity for individual, creative, and artistic experiences and fosters art and artists in the community.