Pamela Hignite: I Am, We Are

December 16, 2023 - February 18, 2024

McDonald Gallery

Delve into the contemplative creations of Pamela Hignite, where each work invites introspection and reflection. Each piece is a testament to the transformative power of personal experiences, notably shaped by the artist's encounters with adversity in young adulthood, including the profound loss of stillborn twins.

Integrated into the essence of the artwork is an unconscious dialogue with the themes of birth and death, silently echoing the artist's journey of healing and introspection. The subtle nuances that emerged, unbeknownst to the creator during the artistic process, now reveal themselves in a dance of profound symbolism, infusing each creation with a universal resonance. Nature and the human figure serve as muses, guiding the artist's hands to craft sculptures that echo the raw, emotive energy found in the art of primitive cultures. These ancient influences breathe life into the pieces, imbuing them with spiritual significance and a timeless connection to the elemental forces that shape our existence.

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