Robert Pulley:
Courting the Mystery

Across five decades, Robert Pulley has masterfully sculpted with clay and explored the realms of bronze casting, earning accolades throughout the Midwest. With immense pride, the Art Museum presents this exclusive showcase, offering a rare opportunity to delve into Pulley's artistic legacy.

Open 7 days a week 11:00a - 4:00p

Free admission daily

Discover the masterpiece sculptures of Robert Pulley
at seven locations within the Downtown Lafayette area!

Current Exhibits

  • Food for Thought: A Savory Display of Works from the Permanent Collection

    January 27, 2024 - July 28, 2024

    Weil Gallery

    Our current exhibition is a delectable celebration of art centered around the timeless theme of food. Throughout history, artists have been captivated by the subject, and this collection pays homage to that rich tradition.

    From ancient still-life paintings to modern interpretations, the artworks on display highlight the enduring fascination with food. Each piece serves as a brushstroke in the larger canvas of culinary art history, reflecting cultural, social, and personal narratives.

  • Robert Pulley: "Courting the Mystery"

    May 8, 2024 - September 8, 2024

    East Gallery

    The transformative power of nature profoundly influenced Robert Pulley’s artistic journey. Growing up in rural Indiana, he was surrounded by a landscape that would later become the foundation of his creative expression. His frequent solitary walks in the woods and along the creeks and rivers left unforgettable impressions of nature’s of nature’s diverse forms, colors, and textures. The effects of time evident in the rock strata glacial till, and aboriginal artifacts sparked a sense of wonder that embraced the mysteries of nature, change, and time. This transformative power of nature is beautifully reflected in his work.

    For more than five decades, Robert Pulley has been sculpting using clay, bronze, and stone, showcasing his versatility and mastery of different mediums. His sculptures vary in scale, from small, intimate pieces, to human-sized sculptures, and large muli-piece assemblages reaching 12 feet tall that leave a lasting impression. This exhibition includes more than 30 pieces spanning 30 years, a testament to the breadth and depth of his artistic journey.

  • Heather Vickers: "Elegant Equine"

    May 8, 2024 - September 8, 2024

    McDonald Gallery

    The work of Heather Vickers focuses on depicting horses in unusual poses, showcasing them in dynamic actions such as jumping, running, twisting, and turning. The compositions often feature overlapping horses, with some depicted individually or running away from each other.

    The concept behind the artwork goes beyond the physicality of horses. As an adult, Vickers recognizes the strength and power of horses, both in their bodies and spirits. However, despite their immense power, horses are also fragile creatures, especially in their delicate legs. The artist draws a parallel between the vulnerability of horses and that of humans. Although humans may lack the same physical strength as horses, they share a similar vulnerability in their bodies, which can be easily damaged. This exploration of vulnerability invites contemplation on the human condition and the delicate balance between strength and fragility.

  • Laura Ricks: "Felted Forests: Rock Walls, Waterfalls, and Woodland Wonders"

    June 15, 2024 - October 6, 2024

    Shook Gallery

    Embark on a mesmerizing odyssey through nature's realm with Felted Forests, a captivating exhibition by the talented artist Laura Ricks. Using felt as their medium, Ricks crafts stunning landscapes that evoke a sense of wonder and tranquility.

    Marvel at the intricate details and vibrant colors that bring each scene to life, from majestic mountains to serene lakeside retreats. Through skillful layering and blending, the artist captures the essence of light and shadow, inviting you to lose yourself in these enchanting vistas.

    Experience the beauty of the natural world as never before, where each felt painting tells a story and every image whispers of hidden depths. Felted Forests is a celebration of artistry and imagination, offering a glimpse into a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur into one seamless tapestry of beauty.

Featured Class:
Pareidolia Perspectives: Surrealism and Watercolor Exploration

Pareidolia, the intriguing tendency to discern meaningful images in random or ambiguous visual patterns, serves as the focal point of our exploration. Through the lens of surrealism and the medium of watercolor painting, this workshop invites you to unleash your creativity and perception.

Join us as we embark on a journey of discovery, where the lines between reality and imagination blur, and every brushstroke reveals hidden wonders. Learn how to harness the fluidity and transparency of watercolors to bring your peridolia-inspired visions to life on paper. From dreamlike landscapes to whimsical characters, you'll delve into the endless possibilities of combining peridolia with the expressive qualities of watercolor.

Find inspiration by visiting the Museum’s Exhibit Creature Feature: Unusual Beings from the Permanent Collection which opens August 17th!

Tuesday, August 20th, 2024 | 1:30 – 4:30 PM

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    The Art Museum of Greater Lafayette depends on your membership, corporate sponsorships, and gifts to fulfill our mission.

  • Donate

    The Art Museum is a private, non-profit organization that receives no ongoing federal, state, or government funding. Our museum has grown and flourished because of the generous support of citizens like you.

  • Volunteer

    If you are interested in building your volunteering resume or just want to become involved with the museum, we will gladly accept your help! All volunteers will receive volunteer verification papers from the museum for proof of their volunteer hours.

  • Join the Art League

    The Art League provides members with the opportunity for individual, creative, and artistic experiences and fosters art and artists in the community.

Upcoming Events

We are proud to present an array of fun and engaging events that bring art into the lives of our community. If you would like to be informed of upcoming events, volunteer for one of our events, or share your ideas for future events, please contact us.

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